Third in our series of awesome commissioned artwork by the equally awesome artists of Sci-Fi Valley Con, Mae Jaisamer, aka Jaisamp, gives us two absolutely beautiful renderings of our femmes fatale. First up, the sexy, but morally questionable, Cascade: Cascade is a member of the GPRA, a metahuman militant group, in After Dark. Aside from […]
Jeremiah Witkowski has the devil to pay
Continuing our series of AE commissions from some of the excellent artists at Sci-Fi Valley Con 2015, here’s a drawing of the cursed western lawman, the Cyclone Ranger, courtesy of Jeremiah Witkowski, aka j3rm55. Be sure to check out Jeremiah’s webcomic, “You, Me, and Steve” and tell him we sent you. If you want to […]
D.J. Coffman draws the Ascension Epoch
For the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing some of the fantastic commissions we got from Sci-Fi Valley Con in Altoona this past weekend. For the first installment, take a look at these beautiful sketch cards by comic artist D.J. Coffman, creator of The God Child. =
Sci-Fi Valley Con is something extraordinary
We are back from Sci-Fi Valley Con 2015 in Altoona, PA and WOW, did we have a great time! Usually when people ask how we liked a con, I can smile and say some good things about it, happily share some pictures of cosplayers, and report that we sold enough merchandise to make it worthwhile. […]
Sci-Fi Valley Con in Pictures
Without further ado, here are some snapshots of the Ascension Epoch booth, the convention floor, and, of course, cosplayers from 2015 Sci-Fi valley Con in Altoona, PA. [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”113768547473892045353″ ualb=”6150337912565645649″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”cascade” col=”3″ size=”320″ num=”34″ shadow=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]
See you at Sci-Fi Valley Con!
Shell and I will be leaving for Altoona in the morning for this year’s Sci-Fi Valley Con, and we hope to see you over the weekend. We will be at booth R7 (see the floor plan below) with the usual panoply of goods, including five print books, e-books on CD, art prints, and the super […]
Shining Worlds in Splendor: The Empyrean and the War in Heaven
In this final installment in a three-part series investigating what the inhabitants of the Ascension Epoch universe actually know about the secret history and strange phenomenon of their world, we we examine what is generally known about the myriad worlds of the Empyrean and the aeons-long celestial war that holds the earth under siege. –Go […]
The Black Smoke
On #AnnotatedTuesdays, we will share a quoted passage from some public domain source that has informed the Ascension Epoch universe, followed by commentary on how we used it. The Martians are able to discharge enormous clouds of a black and poisonous vapour by means of rockets. They have smothered our batteries, destroyed Richmond, Kingston, and […]
We’re celebrities now.
The Ascension Epoch will be dawning at the Lehigh Valley Comic Con this Saturday, and we hope you’ll make the drive over to Schnecksville, PA to check us out. We’ve even got a new book to sell you–a book that you can only get at the convention! The con is Saturday only, from 10AM-4PM, and […]
Saturday Scenes: Thorpe battles the East End Irregulars
Since Shell recently completed a new cover for After Dark (seen above), I thought I would share a scene from it for today’s #SaturdayScenes. While chasing down a couple of purse snatchers, Torrent and X come face to face with the notorious (and superhumanly athletic) vandal known as Thorpe. I lunged sideways, stretching out as […]