A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Eric Hellman, the man behind a very interesting and noble effort in freeing creative expression from the bounds of copyright. His project, Unglue.It, is a website where authors can post “unglued” ebooks–that is, ebooks that have been released under Creative Commons licenses. Just as important, it’s a […]
Easter greetings; see you at the Con!
On this Good Friday, we wish all of our readers a blessed, healthy, and happy Easter season. Take some time to relax, celebrate, and grow closer with God and your families and friends. For those of our friends, both old and those we have not yet met, who will be joining us at the Great […]
Great Philadelphia Comic Con News
A few days ago, I said we wouldn’t have the new printings of Copper Knights and Granite Men available for the Great Philadelphia Comic Con this weekend, but today I came home to find out that the nice folks at Createspace made a liar out of me. I am usually impressed with Createspace’s speed and […]
How you can get House of Refuge and Population of Loss…for free
As of today, Population of Loss and House of Refuge are no longer KDP select titles. You can still get them on Amazon, of course, but we’ve ended their exclusivity as a way to make them available to more people. Both books were very successful during their ‘free’ days on KDP, moving about 350 and […]
Copper Knights gets a facelift
We’ve just released the Third Edition of Copper Knights and Granite Men, and Shell and I have done a lot of work to improve it. Some of you are probably wondering what we could have possibly done to improve a superhero book based on the King in Yellow, with the comedic sensibilities of Army of […]
Free House of Refuge, The Yellow Sign, and other news
I just wanted to remind everyone that House of Refuge is available for free today until Monday on the Kindle. That’s “free” as in beer. It was always “free” as in Linux. If you want to know more about our award-winning short story of life and death on the seasteads of the South Atlantic, you […]
Book Review: The Truth Is Out There, by Brannon Hollingsworth
Title: The Truth Is Out There Author: Brannon Hollingsworth Publisher: Four Fools Press Price: $0.99 Format: ebook (Kindle) The author of this book gave me a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I liked it, and it was cheap, so I bought it anyway. I’ve been a fan of other Four […]
Book Review: Night’s Nadir by Corey Blankenship
Title: Night’s Nadir Author: Corey Blankenship Publisher: Four Fools Press Price: $0.99 Format: ebook (Kindle) I am a longtime fan of weird fiction, especially when that mystery and paranormal menace crosses paths with teeth-gritting military ops and desperate conspiracies. You can blame games like Delta Green or Conspiracy X, or literary gems like Tim Power’s […]
The Note
I just added a new chapter to our Write-On page for The Dismal Tide, the second book in our East End Irregulars series. Currently, there are three (first draft) chapters posted. Most of the book is already done, but I’m filling in some of the intervening scenes, and this one was entirely written today over […]
Heads up! House of Refuge FREE March 26-30
The award-winning tale of heroic adventure at sea (and our very first published Ascension Epoch book), House of Refuge, will be available for free on Kindle from Thursday, March 26th through Monday, March 30th. If you haven’t read the story of Atlantic Littoral stationkeeper Justin Agnarsson and the war-torn Vietes family yet and don’t want […]