If you haven’t read our short story anthology Population of Loss yet, you’ll be able to download the ebook for free from Amazon, beginning on January 22, 2015. The promotion runs to the 26th. Normally it’s $0.99. Population of Loss contains four short stories set during the Martian invasion of 1898-1905. The stories run the […]
You can’t possibly live long enough…
There’s nothing like a brush with death to give you fresh perspective! I received this pearl of wisdom after gorging at the local Chinese buffet a few weeks ago. Rarely does a fortune cookie attain a profound personal meaning, but this one hit me right in the gut, so to speak. No, I didn’t think […]
Unsolved Haz-Mat Mystery that inspired ‘Miasma’
This article was originally published on July 25, 2014. Now that After Dark is out, I can share one of my favorite tales of High Strangeness from my local area. But first, a scene from the “Miasma” chapter of After Dark to set the mood: “I must have missed something,” said Sebastian Pereira as he […]
Thoughts on the ‘Jinx’ Phenomenon
This article was originally published on June 26, 2014 In modern times, the presence of paranormal entities, whether identified as extraterrestrials, poltergeists, or ‘monsters’ like Bigfoot or Mothman, are often associated with the spontaneous failure of complex technology. Paranormalists tend to attribute this to the presence of unusual electromagnetic fields that short out or cause […]
Book Review: Mysterious Things in the Woods
This post was originally published on June 12, 2014. Mysterious Things in the Woods by Stephen Young $2.99 on the Kindle Each of us has at least one guilty indulgence, something we really like, though we know we shouldn’t. I’m not talking about actual sins, just sins against good taste: a trashy novel or a […]
Story Fertilizer: Mermonsters and Blood Baths
This Story Fertilizer article was first published on May 6, 2014. I saw a couple of intriguing links on Google Plus the other day, both, I think, from the Suppressed Transmissions community. Besides being interesting in the creepy, paranormal fashion I find so irresistible, they’ve stimulated some story ideas that are now percolating. With that […]
Welcome to the new AscensionEpoch.com!
Welcome to our revised and streamlined Ascension Epoch website. Our goal in updating the site was to provide a faster and more user-friendly experience for those wanting to find out the basics of our project, more info about our books and other merchandise, and how to contribute or otherwise get in contact with us. This […]