On #AnnotatedTuesdays, we will share a quoted passage from some public domain source that has informed the Ascension Epoch universe, followed by commentary on how we used it. The Martians are able to discharge enormous clouds of a black and poisonous vapour by means of rockets. They have smothered our batteries, destroyed Richmond, Kingston, and […]
The King in Yellow’s New York
On #AnnotatedTuesdays, we will share a quoted passage from some public domain source that has informed some aspect of the vast cosmos that is the Ascension Epoch universe, followed by commentary on how we used it. Toward the end of the year 1920 the Government of the United States had practically completed the programme, adopted […]
Ambrose Bierce, ghosts, and the haunted habitats of the restless dead
On #AnnotatedTuesdays, we will share a quoted passage from some public domain source that has informed some aspect of the vast cosmos that is the Ascension Epoch universe, followed by commentary on how we used it. “Fear has no brains; it is an idiot. The dismal witness that it bears and the cowardly counsel that […]