Corona, Corona, Corona! That’s all anybody talks about these days! Sheesh.
A new book is on the way! We’ve just launched our first Kickstarter today and we’re already 50% of the way toward our goal! It’s for a Zine called Dauntless, which focuses both on heroic adventure literature and role playing games. We’re basically bringing to light all of the corners of our universe that we […]
Christmas isn’t complete without a blazing yule log in the fireplace. For those without fireplaces, we offer our Christmas greeting card instead. For the interest of those who do have fireplaces, we have also included an image of a lovely superheroine, Pittsburgh’s cutest thermokinetic vigilante, Corona. And for those who have everything, we offer a […]
Howdy, Ascension Epoch fans. Presto here. My artist-sense was tingling, and I sensed that you needed more Corona and Cascade in your life. How could I deny you fine folks that? First up is a bit of ballpoint pen on Post-It note art. This is one of my favorite formats, and Corona needed an update, […]
Just in time for Sci-Fi Valley Con and Itz-A-Con, we’re unveiling a boatload of awesome new stuff that’s sure to get you to part with your paycheck! *rubs hands together* First up, we have this huge selection of art tiles/coasters covered with your favorite Ascension Epoch characters! There are two different kinds of coasters: a […]
I was going to trumpet that The Dismal Tide got two more four-star reviews on Amazon, but I’m sure you’re tired of seeing posts about all our good reviews. Luckily, one of them gave me an idea for this blog post about the Irregulars’ sleep schedules. Reviewer Sean C. Duggan wrote, in part: I still like the […]
Between the Covers is a podcast hosted by Tracy Lawson, author of the YA adventure books Counteract and Resist. On Wednesday, January 6th at 9:30 EST, Shell and Mike from Ascension Epoch will join her to discuss their own YA adventure series, the East End Irregulars, and whatever other interesting topics come up. Undoubtedly, a lot […]
At long last! The Dismal Tide is available on the Kindle right now! Paperback and other ebook editions soon to follow. The Dismal Tide is a rollicking superhero adventure featuring the East End Irregulars, a team of young vigilantes encountering the eerie side of Pittsburgh. Packed with humor and wrestling with serious moral questions, the book […]
Here it is, the final cover for The Dismal Tide, the second book in our Young Adult superhero series, East End Irregulars. Shell is finishing up the final proofread, so we’ll be published in the next couple of days. It’s recommended that you read After Dark before you dive into The Dismal […]
We had hoped to get The Dismal Tide out by the end of the first full week of October, but that deadline has come and gone. Finishing the interior illustrations took longer than expected, plus we had to prep for our appearance at Steampunk unLimited this weekend–and by prep, I mean finish our costumes. We […]